

Many pro-life leaders have already chosen to sign the pledge and take a stand! Are you ready to join them?

  • Joe Scheidler, Pro-Life Action League
  • Rev. Terry Gensemer
  • Fr. Frank Pavone
  • Janet Morana, Priests for Life
  • Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph. D.
  • Bryan Kemper, Stand True Ministries
  • Rev. Patrick Mahoney
  • Georgette Forney
  • Troy Newman, Operation Rescue
  • Cheryl Sullenger, Operation Rescue
  • Sarah Howell
  • Dana Cody
  • Judie Brown, American Life League
  • Jim Sedlak, American Life League
  • Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union
  • Denise Cocciolone
  • Walter B. Hoye, Issues4Life Foundation
  • Brian Gibson, Pro-Life Action Ministries
  • Brian Fisher
  • Bethany and Ryan Bomberger, The Radiance Foundation
  • Steven Ertelt
  • Jeff White, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
  • Cheryl Conrad, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
  • Kristina Garza, Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust
  • Rev. Joe Young, Heroic Media
  • Mark Harrington
  • Catherine Davis, The Restoration Project
  • Steve Koob, One More Soul
  • Jill Stanek
  • Jennifer Bowen, Iowa Right to Life
  • Jeanneane Maxon
  • Mary Maschmeier, Defenders of the Unborn
  • Terri Herring, Pro-Life America Network
  • Edmund B. Miller, Guadalupe Partners
  • Sam Casey, The Jubilee Campaignโ€™s Law of Life Project
  • Bud and Tara Shaver
  • Scott Klusendorf, Life Training Institute
  • Abby Johnson
  • Brandi Swindell
  • Rebecca Kiessling, Save the One
  • Greg Cunningham, Center for Bioethical Reform
  • Jo Tolck, Human Life Alliance
  • Brian Fisher, Online for Life
  • Steven Ertelt,
  • Carol Everett, Heidi Group
  • Mary L Davenport, MD, FACOG, American Association of ProLife Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Andy Moore, AbortionWiki
  • Rev. James R. Harden, M. Div,ย  CompassCare Pregnancy Services
  • Richard Lane
  • Jim Nolan, Crossroads
  • Erik and Tina Whittington, Rock For Life
  • Chris and Joan Bell
  • Lonnie Poindexter
  • Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, The Pray In Jesus Name Project
  • Linda Harvey, Mission America
  • Phillip Jauregui Sr.
  • Sharron Moran
